Why Abacus is Important for The Children

Abacus is the most ancient tool used for the purpose of calculations. It is a true assistant for anyone who wants to perform his calculations very quickly and with full authority. . People who regularly perform calculations on abacus can perform them more quickly than their other counterparts who perform those calculations on electronic calculators. This is the reason behind the fact that even in this modern era there is thought to be a need to teach children to learn perform calculations using abacus.

Parents need to teach children how to use abacus. Abacus has proved out to be an ideal tool for those people as it allows them to calculate easily and quickly while being reliable. The use of abacus is easy to understand for the new beginner and it also helps in developing the mind of the children. When the calculations are performed on abacus, a little stress is made on the mind.

There may arise a question in one’s mind that why is there a need to teach children to use abacus or to teach them solving arithmetical problems using abacus in this time of advanced technology. The mind of the child is completely empty and it is to be written on. Child’s mind could grab some things with difficulty and has the tendency of forgetting learnt topics after some time. With the help of abacus simple arithmetical functions are easy to learn especially multiplication which may seem easier to an adult to perform but are very difficult for the kids to understand.

When children are asked to learn arithmetical calculation on their abacus, they feel like playing and in this way they learn a lot without being bored at all. Children feel happy with something like abacus because of its shape. Anything, which has rods and beads attached to it, makes them feel good and relaxing while learning.

This process is easy to adapt for the beginners and puts less stress on the mind of children. Every bead of the abacus is assigned a particular value and it is relatively easy to learn those values and keep performing calculations on the device, as the beads are assigned certain values therefore there is no need to keep anything in mind rather keep fingers on the beads and place beads in their calculated positions. The result can be easily inferred from the positions of the beads on the rod.

The study has shown that the children which have used abacus in their past could perform arithmetical calculations more quickly and comfortably when they are grown ups. This is due to the fact that they have the golden rule of calculating long figures with the help of broken packets of that figure in their minds and it allows them to perform more conveniently in the later stage of their life.